Application to attend the 2024 RCP Postdoc Summit 

Applications are now closed

The purpose of the Summit is to develop the “Big Idea” that neuromodulation could be used to improve the lives of cerebellar patients in the next seven to ten years. We see three major portions of the Summit: 1) unlocking creativity, 2) bridging solutions, and 3) executing a shared vision. This journey will help you get to know one another, share ideas, and most importantly, think boldly without the traditional restrictions of academic science. 

Our starting point for this Summit is to consider several approaches: (1) delivery of high-dimensional brain stimulation, either invasive or non-invasive; (2) use of sensors of neural activity or behavioral output or emotional state (or even all simultaneously) to provide feedback, again as high-dimensional as possible; (3) create smartness through a combination of machine learning and control strategies to use the sensors’ output to smartly control the stimulation; (4) wrap the entire strategy in concurrent behavioral or pharmacological therapy to maximize benefit to patients.  

This is a starting point to stimulate discussion: we are totally open to major additions, subtractions, and alternatives. We are looking for ideas about strategies to improve, validate, and apply neuromodulation, defined broadly, as well as in combination with other therapeutic modes that might enhance neuromodulation.

We want to express our sense of urgency for this project, and for that matter, all RCP initiatives. We know that our timeline of measurable successes in addressing patient needs, seven to ten years, is shorter than you’re used to and very likely longer than your current training step. A possible outcome of the Summit is that we might work with you or your lab to determine if an RCP funded project can become your top priority of research during your training and perhaps beyond. 


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